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The  Alternative  to Abortion:

Why we must be Pro Abundant Life

“Warren’s call to be pro abundant life restarts and resets the conversation about abortion.”

– Walter Kim, President of the National Association of Evangelicals

Join Us

Tuesday, September 17th

Join us for a live virtual book launch event on Tuesday, September 17 at 10 am eastern time. This live virtual event is open to members of the media and the general public. There will be a Q&A session during the event for attendees to ask questions.

Featuring: A live interview of Roland Warren, author of The Alternative to Abortion, and Pastor David Platt, writer of the foreword, ahead of the October 1 launch of the new book.


Author, Speaker, and President/CEO of Care Net

A graduate of Princeton University and the Wharton School of Business at the University of Pennsylvania, Roland is an inspirational servant leader with a heart for Christ and a mind for business.

After 20 years in the corporate world (with IBM, Pepsi, and Goldman Sachs), Roland spent 11 years as president of National Fatherhood Initiative before joining Care Net in 2012 as president and CEO.

Coming Soon

The Alternative to Abortion:

Why We Must Be Pro Abundant Life

After the overturning of Roe v. Wade in June of 2022, many pro-life Americans — especially Christians – began asking, “Now what?” In the more than two years that have passed since that momentous Supreme Court decision, the pro-life movement has provided a variety of answers. But as these (sometimes conflicting) answers have been tested and debated, Americans, when given the option, have chosen more abortions and more pro-choice laws, not fewer.

Against this backdrop, Roland C. Warren, president and CEO of Care Net, one of the nation’s largest and oldest pro-life ministries, lays out his unique vision for the future of the pro-life movement in this groundbreaking book, The Alternative to Abortion: Why We Must be Pro Abundant Life. In it, Warren weaves together his personal story, timeless Biblical truths, American history, and the latest social science to make a clear and compelling case for why being pro-life is no longer enough – and how a new pro abundant life approach is what has been needed all along to truly vanquish abortion.

Early Praise for The Alternative to Abortion

“This book is a must-read for those who want to obey Christ in fulfilling the Great Commandment and Great Commission for the strengthening of the family and equipping the church in addressing those facing the challenge of an unplanned pregnancy.

– Dr. tony evans, president, the urban alternative

“As a pastor whose purpose is to make disciples for Jesus Christ, I am confident that this book is the breath of fresh air that the pro-life movement needs to direct much-needed attention to the Church as the way to finally win our battle against abortion.”

– rev. samuel rodriguez, lead pastor, new season church; president, national hispanic christian leadership conference

“Warren’s call to be pro abundant life restarts and resets the conversation about abortion.”

– Walter Kim, President of the National Association of Evangelicals



“Roland Warren provides a game plan here, one that holds together truth and love, clear on not only what we must oppose but what we must champion. It’s time to roll up our sleeves and get to work.”

– john stonestreet, President of the colson Center and host of breakpoint



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Additional Books

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Roland has authored two other books: Bad Dads of the Bible: 8 Mistakes Every Good Dad Can Avoid, which explores major fathering mistakes made by revered Biblical figures, and Raising Sons of Promise: A Guide for Single Mothers of Boys, offering actionable advice for single mothers based on his own upbringing.


Ways to Engage

Listen to CareCast™

Care Net’s Podcast on Family, Faith, and Life. Roland Warren, and Vincent DiCaro, Care Net’s Chief Outreach Officer, take on today’s news, with a Pro Abundant Life spin, and also some humor.

Watch LifeChats

In each short LifeChat video, Roland Warren provides cutting edge commentary and insight into pressing issues facing the pro ABUNDANT life movement.

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Interested in having Roland speak at your next event?

Thousands have been inspired to embrace abundant life through one of Roland Warren’s presentations. Utilizing Scripture, humor, and the story of his life, he communicates life-changing truth in an unforgettable way.
Roland is available to speak at your next church event, fundraiser, conference, or pregnancy center banquet.